[vtkusers] Resizing dicom files to same volume

Wright James (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde) jamie.wright at nhs.net
Mon Oct 13 12:51:57 EDT 2014


I have multiple DICOM datasets with different spacing and dimensions. I am using vtkImagePlaneWidget() to view them

 I want to resample the datasets so they occupy the same volume in space, to then use e.g. vtkImageBlend to merge the images by opacity. I have tried vtkImageResample and vtkImageReslice (in the documentation for this class it even mentions the method SetInformationInput() as the way to go for matching voxel sampling. However whatever I try still results in the final output having image slices of different scales on the screen. Could anyone guide me as to what pipeline to use with  to get the datasets aligned?


import vtk

def orthoPlane(imageData, orientation, dimension, volPicker, renderer,
               interactor, lut, opacity, displayText = 1, enabled = 1):

    a function to take care of rendering an image plane on the scene - we use
    the vtk provided vtkImagePlaneWidget to handle this

    ipwx = vtk.vtkImagePlaneWidget()

    if orientation == "sagittal":
    elif orientation == "coronal":
    elif orientation == "axial":

    return ipwx

def MoveCallback(obj,event):

    function that forces the two modalities to move together from one user


''' the vtk pipeline from here '''
if __name__ == "__main__" :

    # read the data
    folder1 = "/home/jamie/VTK/vtkPython/vtk_python/brain_data/CT"
    reader1 = vtk.vtkDICOMImageReader()
    W1,H1,D1 = reader1.GetOutput().GetDimensions()

    a1,b1 = reader1.GetOutput().GetScalarRange()
    #print "Range of image (Houndsfield units): %d--%d" %(a1,b1)

    folder2 = "/home/jamie/VTK/vtkPython/vtk_python/brain_data/SPECT"
    reader2 = vtk.vtkDICOMImageReader()

    #### ---- resample SPECT data to CT dimensions here ---- ####


#    # resize the data
#    resize = vtk.vtkImageResize()
#    resize.SetInputConnection(reader2.GetOuputPort())
#    resize.SetResizeMethodToMagnificationFactors()
#    resize.SetMagnificationFactors(0.5,0.5,1)
#    resize.InterpolateOn()
#    resize.Update()
#    # reslice the PET data to line up with the CT volume
#    reslice = vtk.vtkImageReslice()
#    #reslice.SetInformationInput(reader1.GetOutput())
#    reslice.SetInputConnection(reader2.GetOutputPort())
#    #reslice.SetOutputDimensionality(2)
#    reslice.SetInterpolationModeToLinear()
    # resize the data
#    magnify = vtk.vtkImageResample()
#    magnify.SetDimensionality(3)
#    magnify.SetInput(reader2.GetOutput())
#    #magnify.SetAxisOutputSpacing(0,0.59)
#    #magnify.SetAxisOutputSpacing(1,0.59)
#    magnify.SetAxisMagnificationFactor(1,2)
#    magnify.SetAxisMagnificationFactor(0,3)
#    magnify.SetAxisMagnificationFactor(2,2)
#    #magnify.SetAxisOutputSpacing(2,2.5)
#    #magnify.ReleaseDataFlagOff()
#    magnify.Update()

    W2,H2,D2 = reader2.GetOutput().GetDimensions()
    a2,b2 = reader2.GetOutput().GetScalarRange()

    # create the color transfer functions for the datasets
    # greyscale table for the CT
    lutCT = vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction()
    lutCT.AddRGBPoint(a1 , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    lutCT.AddRGBPoint(b1 , 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    # basic rgb colortable/lut for the PET data
    lutPET = vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction()
    lutPET.AddRGBPoint(a2,         0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    lutPET.AddRGBPoint(a2+(b2-a2)/4, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5)
    lutPET.AddRGBPoint(a2+(b2-a2)/2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    lutPET.AddRGBPoint(b2-(b2-a2)/4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0)
    lutPET.AddRGBPoint(b2,         1.0, 0.2, 0.0)

    # renderer and render window
    ren = vtk.vtkRenderer()
    ren.SetBackground(.2, .2, .2)
    renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
    renWin.SetSize( 512, 512 )
    renWin.AddRenderer( ren )

    # render window interactor
    iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor()
    iren.SetRenderWindow( renWin )

    # interactor style
    style = vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera()

    # mouse picker to select info from the data - will be displayed on image

    # coronal actors - do the same for the other planes
    coronalCT = orthoPlane(reader1.GetOutput(), "coronal", H1, picker, ren,
                            iren,lutPET, 0.65)

    coronalSPECT = orthoPlane(reader2.GetOutput(), "coronal", H2, picker, ren,
                           iren,lutPET, 0.25)

    # create an outline of the dataset
    outline = vtk.vtkOutlineFilter()
    outline.SetInput( reader1.GetOutput() )
    outlineMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    outlineMapper.SetInput( outline.GetOutput() )
    outlineActor = vtk.vtkActor()
    outlineActor.SetMapper( outlineMapper )

    # add the outline actor to the scene and render it
    ren.AddActor( outlineActor )

    # position camera to create a nice starting viewing angle. Note: the order
    # of operations on the camera is important, i.e. a Roll,Elevation,Flip
    # gives a different orientation if we change the sequence of operations
    # i.e do the Roll second
    camera = ren.GetActiveCamera()

    # add an observer to the event of one of the planes, using a priority 1 so
    # that it overrides the standard event. We then want to use the event to
    # update the one that is not being interacted with with the origin, point1
    # and point2 coordinates of the moving one.

    # initialize, and start the interactor


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