[vtkusers] double vtkDataArray::GetTuple1(vtkIdType i) vs void vtkDataArray::GetTuple(vtkIdType i, double *tuple)

David Gobbi david.gobbi at gmail.com
Wed May 7 17:22:23 EDT 2014

Hi Maarten,

Since you know it's a vtkUnsignedCharArray, you shouldn't be using
the SetTuple/GetTuple methods.  Use the SetTupleValue and
GetTupleValue methods, they're much faster because 1) they aren't
virtual methods and 2) they don't have to convert to/from double.
Or even better, if you know that your array only has one component,
you can use SetValue/GetValue.

Your math for voxelid is too simplistic.  Depending on how the update
extent is divided amongst the threads, it might give you a location
that is totally wrong.  To see why, draw a square on a piece of paper.
That square represents the total extent of the output.  Then divide
that square into quadrants, and imagine that each quadrant goes
to a different Execute method.  Then think about how each thread
is going to march through the data.


On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 2:20 PM, Maarten Beek <beekmaarten at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I experienced a crash in my algorithm derived from
> vtkThreadedImageAlgorithm, that (I think) I solved, but that I don't
> understand. Is there some one who can shed some light on the following?
> What I am trying to do is adding a flag identifying the input(s) that
> contribute to the value of each pixel in the output image
> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> // This templated function executes the filter for any type of data.
> template <class OT>
> void cmvtkTemplatedExecute(cmvtkDRRGenerator2* self,
>                                vtkDataSetCollection* inputs, vtkImageData*
> output,
>                                int extent[6], int threadId, OT*)
> {
>     vtkUnsignedCharArray* uchararray =
> vtkUnsignedCharArray::SafeDownCast(output->GetPointData()->GetScalars("input_flag"));
>     int numinputs = inputs->GetNumberOfItems();
>     for( int input_i = 0; input_i < numinputs; ++input_i )
>     {
>         vtkImageData* input =
> vtkImageData::SafeDownCast(inputs->GetItem(input_i));
>         if( 0 == input )
>         {
>             // should not happen
>             continue;
>         }
>         const int* dims= output->GetDimensions();
>         vtkImageProgressIterator<OT> outIt(output, extent, self, threadId);
>         vtkIdType voxelid = extent[0] + size[0]*extent[2] +
> size[0]*size[1]*extent[4];
>         // Loop through output pixels
>         while( !outIt.IsAtEnd() )
>         {
>             OT* outSI = outIt.BeginSpan();
>             OT* outSIEnd = outIt.EndSpan();
>             while( outSI != outSIEnd )
>             {
>                 // start with setting pixel to 0.0
>                 if( input_i == 0 )
>                 {
>                     *outSI = 0.0;
>                 }
>                 OT result = 0.0;
>                 //.... some math resulting in a value for result....
>                 *outSI += result;
>                 // this input image participates in voxel values; adjust bit
>                 if( 0.0 < result && 0 != uchararray )
>                 {
>                     // The commented code crashes...
>                     //unsigned char oldvalue =
> uchararray->GetTuple1(voxelid);
>                     //unsigned char newvalue = oldvalue | (1<<input_i);
>                     //uchararray->SetTuple1(voxelid, newvalue);
>                     double dOldValue;
>                     uchararray->GetTuple(voxelid, &dOldValue);
>                     unsigned char chOldValue = static_cast<unsigned
> char>(dOldValue);
>                     unsigned char chNewValue = chOldValue | (1<<input_i);
>                     double dNewValue = static_cast<double>(chNewValue);
>                     uchararray->SetTuple(voxelid, &dNewValue);
>                 }
>                 ++outSI;
>                 ++voxelid;
>             }
>             outIt.NextSpan();
>         }
>     } // input_i < numinputs
> }

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