[vtkusers] Fwd: Slice Viewer, only black screen

Роман Глуховский roman_glu at mail.ru
Mon Jun 23 07:24:09 EDT 2014

 Anybody who can tell me whats wrong with my code???

Wed, 18 Jun 2014 02:06:35 +0400 от Роман Глуховский <roman_glu at mail.ru>:
>Sorry my fault.
>I use VTK 6.0.0, QT 4.8.1.
>I want to include a SliceViewer in my QT application, when i compile my programm i get no
>error. The programm loads the DICOM files from the folder, but i get only a black screen, with 
>the correct number of slices.
>I take the SliceViewer from this examaple:
>http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Cxx/IO/ReadDICOMSeries .
>The example works, but not in my application.
>Here is my code:
>#include <QMainWindow>
>// some standard vtk headers
>#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
>#include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
>#include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
>#include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
>#include <vtkRenderer.h>
>#include <vtkActor.h>
>// headers needed for this example
>#include <vtkImageViewer2.h>
>#include <vtkDICOMImageReader.h>
>#include <vtkInteractorStyleImage.h>
>#include <vtkActor2D.h>
>#include <vtkTextProperty.h>
>#include <vtkTextMapper.h>
>// needed to easily convert int to std::string
>#include <sstream>
>namespace Ui {
>class MainWindow;
>class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
>    explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
>    ~MainWindow();
>private slots:
>    void on_pushButton_clicked();
>    Ui::MainWindow *ui;
>#endif // MAINWINDOW_H
>#include "mainwindow.h"
>#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
>// helper class to format slice status message
>class StatusMessage {
>   static std::string Format(int slice, int maxSlice) {
>      std::stringstream tmp;
>      tmp << "Slice Number  " << slice + 1 << "/" << maxSlice + 1;
>      return tmp.str();
>   }
>// Define own interaction style
>class myVtkInteractorStyleImage : public vtkInteractorStyleImage
>   static myVtkInteractorStyleImage* New();
>   vtkTypeMacro(myVtkInteractorStyleImage, vtkInteractorStyleImage);
>   vtkImageViewer2* _ImageViewer;
>   vtkTextMapper* _StatusMapper;
>   int _Slice;
>   int _MinSlice;
>   int _MaxSlice;
>   void SetImageViewer(vtkImageViewer2* imageViewer) {
>      _ImageViewer = imageViewer;
>      _MinSlice = imageViewer->GetSliceMin();
>      _MaxSlice = imageViewer->GetSliceMax();
>      _Slice = _MinSlice;
>      cout << "Slicer: Min = " << _MinSlice << ", Max = " << _MaxSlice << std::endl;
>   }
>   void SetStatusMapper(vtkTextMapper* statusMapper) {
>      _StatusMapper = statusMapper;
>   }
>   void MoveSliceForward() {
>      if(_Slice < _MaxSlice) {
>         _Slice += 1;
>         cout << "MoveSliceForward::Slice = " << _Slice << std::endl;
>         _ImageViewer->SetSlice(_Slice);
>         std::string msg = StatusMessage::Format(_Slice, _MaxSlice);
>         _StatusMapper->SetInput(msg.c_str());
>         _ImageViewer->Render();
>      }
>   }
>   void MoveSliceBackward() {
>      if(_Slice > _MinSlice) {
>         _Slice -= 1;
>         cout << "MoveSliceBackward::Slice = " << _Slice << std::endl;
>         _ImageViewer->SetSlice(_Slice);
>         std::string msg = StatusMessage::Format(_Slice, _MaxSlice);
>         _StatusMapper->SetInput(msg.c_str());
>         _ImageViewer->Render();
>      }
>   }
>   virtual void OnKeyDown() {
>      std::string key = this->GetInteractor()->GetKeySym();
>      if(key.compare("Up") == 0) {
>         //cout << "Up arrow key was pressed." << endl;
>         MoveSliceForward();
>      }
>      else if(key.compare("Down") == 0) {
>         //cout << "Down arrow key was pressed." << endl;
>         MoveSliceBackward();
>      }
>      // forward event
>      vtkInteractorStyleImage::OnKeyDown();
>   }
>   virtual void OnMouseWheelForward() {
>      //std::cout << "Scrolled mouse wheel forward." << std::endl;
>      MoveSliceForward();
>      // don't forward events, otherwise the image will be zoomed
>      // in case another interactorstyle is used (e.g. trackballstyle, ...)
>      // vtkInteractorStyleImage::OnMouseWheelForward();
>   }
>   virtual void OnMouseWheelBackward() {
>      //std::cout << "Scrolled mouse wheel backward." << std::endl;
>      if(_Slice > _MinSlice) {
>         MoveSliceBackward();
>      }
>      // don't forward events, otherwise the image will be zoomed
>      // in case another interactorstyle is used (e.g. trackballstyle, ...)
>      // vtkInteractorStyleImage::OnMouseWheelBackward();
>   }
>MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
>    QMainWindow(parent),
>    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
>    ui->setupUi(this);
>    delete ui;
>void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
>    //std::string folder = argv[1];
>    //std::string folder = "/home/joe/Daten/dicom-data/Angio";
>    //std::string folder = "/home/joe/Daten/DicomTestImages";
>    //std::cout << std::endl << "Die Daten werden aus dem Ordner: "  << folder << " geladen" << std::endl;
>    // Read all the DICOM files in the specified directory.
>    vtkSmartPointer<vtkDICOMImageReader> reader =
>       vtkSmartPointer<vtkDICOMImageReader>::New();
>    reader->SetDirectoryName("/home/joe/Daten/dicom-data/Angio");
>    reader->Update();
>    char* fname = reader->GetDirectoryName();
>    std::cout << std::endl << "Die Daten werden aus dem Ordner: "  << fname << " geladen" << std::endl;
>    // Visualize
>    vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageViewer2> imageViewer =
>       vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageViewer2>::New();
>    imageViewer->SetInputConnection(reader->GetOutputPort());
>    // slice status message
>    vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty> sliceTextProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New();
>    sliceTextProp->SetFontFamilyToCourier();
>    sliceTextProp->SetFontSize(20);
>    sliceTextProp->SetVerticalJustificationToBottom();
>    sliceTextProp->SetJustificationToLeft();
>    vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextMapper> sliceTextMapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextMapper>::New();
>    std::string msg = StatusMessage::Format(imageViewer->GetSliceMin(), imageViewer->GetSliceMax());
>    sliceTextMapper->SetInput(msg.c_str());
>    sliceTextMapper->SetTextProperty(sliceTextProp);
>    vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor2D> sliceTextActor = vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor2D>::New();
>    sliceTextActor->SetMapper(sliceTextMapper);
>    sliceTextActor->SetPosition(15, 10);
>    // usage hint message
>    vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty> usageTextProp = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextProperty>::New();
>    usageTextProp->SetFontFamilyToCourier();
>    usageTextProp->SetFontSize(14);
>    usageTextProp->SetVerticalJustificationToTop();
>    usageTextProp->SetJustificationToLeft();
>    vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextMapper> usageTextMapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkTextMapper>::New();
>    usageTextMapper->SetInput("- Slice with mouse wheel\n  or Up/Down-Key\n- Zoom with pressed right\n  mouse button while dragging");
>    usageTextMapper->SetTextProperty(usageTextProp);
>    vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor2D> usageTextActor = vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor2D>::New();
>    usageTextActor->SetMapper(usageTextMapper);
>    usageTextActor->GetPositionCoordinate()->SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedDisplay();
>    usageTextActor->GetPositionCoordinate()->SetValue( 0.05, 0.95);
>    // create an interactor with our own style (inherit from vtkInteractorStyleImage)
>    // in order to catch mousewheel and key events
>    vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> renderWindowInteractor =
>       vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor>::New();
>    vtkSmartPointer<myVtkInteractorStyleImage> myInteractorStyle =
>       vtkSmartPointer<myVtkInteractorStyleImage>::New();
>    // make imageviewer2 and sliceTextMapper visible to our interactorstyle
>    // to enable slice status message updates when scrolling through the slices
>    myInteractorStyle->SetImageViewer(imageViewer);
>    myInteractorStyle->SetStatusMapper(sliceTextMapper);
>    imageViewer->SetupInteractor(renderWindowInteractor);
>    // make the interactor use our own interactorstyle
>    // cause SetupInteractor() is defining it's own default interatorstyle
>    // this must be called after SetupInteractor()
>    renderWindowInteractor->SetInteractorStyle(myInteractorStyle);
>    // add slice status message and usage hint message to the renderer
>    imageViewer->GetRenderer()->AddActor2D(sliceTextActor);
>    imageViewer->GetRenderer()->AddActor2D(usageTextActor);
>    // initialize rendering and interaction
>    //imageViewer->GetRenderWindow()->SetSize(400, 300);
>    //imageViewer->GetRenderer()->SetBackground(0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
>    imageViewer->Render();
>    imageViewer->GetRenderer()->ResetCamera();
>    imageViewer->Render();
>    renderWindowInteractor->Start();
>    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
>#include <QtGui/QApplication>
>#include "mainwindow.h"
>int main(int argc, char *argv[])
>    QApplication a(argc, argv);
>    MainWindow w;
>    w.show();
>    return a.exec();
>cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
>QT4_WRAP_UI(UISrcs mainwindow.ui)
>QT4_WRAP_CPP(MOCSrcs mainwindow.h)
>find_package(ITK REQUIRED)
>if (ITKVtkGlue_LOADED)
>  find_package(VTK REQUIRED)
>  include(${VTK_USE_FILE})
>  find_package(ItkVtkGlue REQUIRED)
>  include(${ItkVtkGlue_USE_FILE})
>  set(Glue ItkVtkGlue)
>add_executable(Test main.cpp mainwindow.cpp ${MOCSrcs} ${UISrcs})
>  target_link_libraries(Test
>  target_link_libraries(Test vtkHybrid)
>I hope thats enough informations and somebody can help me.
>Thanks a lot.
>Tue, 17 Jun 2014 12:18:06 -0400 (EDT) от David Cole <dlrdave at aol.com>:
>>> Can nobody tell me, why i get a black screen?
>>Maybe you could send some code that shows us what you're doing. It's 
>>kind of hard to tell you what's wrong without looking at some code... 
>>There are any number of things that could cause a "black screen".
>>Do you get any errors reported? What version of VTK are you using?
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