[vtkusers] Structured Grid with Smooth Edges

Joey joeymu at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 11:03:00 EST 2014

I am creating a structured grid of data where I place the data at various
points in a full 360 degrees in both elevation and/or azimuthal directions.

The data looks good EXCEPT where the edges match up.  There is no
interpolation between the first  node (0 degrees) and the last node (360
degrees).  You can see a hard edge between the two.  If my edge nodes
aren't perfectly at 0 and 360, I see a notch between the two.

This makes sense since VTK doesn't really know that the two nodes are
connected.  It's like I need another type of "radial" data set.

Anyway, is there a good way around this?  Is there a name for this?  I
really don't know what to search for and my other searches are coming up
empty.  Or am I going about this all wrong?  Maybe there is something else
I need to be using instead?

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