[vtkusers] Grab Webcam Opencv/vtk in java

Raissa Souza raah.souza at gmail.com
Mon Aug 11 13:17:41 EDT 2014


I'm working in a project for overlay a preop Model into a real scene from
the webcam. I found example how to syncronize webcam with vtk for C. I'm
trying to do this for java. I found some people saying that does not exist
the set necessary fro vtkImportImage.

Someone already did this? And could help me?

Thank in advance.

*Raíssa Cristina de Souza*

*4º Ano Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação UNESP- FCT - Presidente
Prudente / Studying Computer Science  at Sao Paulo State University*

*Técnica em Informatica- Centro Paula Souza /  Technique in Computer
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