[vtkusers] Some question about 3D volume selecting and deleting.

hongsongyang hongsongyang at 163.com
Sat May 4 04:52:15 EDT 2013

Dear All:

    I want to implement following operations by VTK.

1. Constructing 3D volumes with some volume data
2. Selecting some independent volume part by mouse from a point picking(or some other methods), which have no any triangle linked with the 3D main part. (Refer to the red part in appendix picture.) Once, I choose one point, some algrithm will calculate the total independent 3D part.
3. Delete this selected 3D volume.

   About step1, it is easy to impement. About step2, picking one point is easy to implement. I just want to know whether VTK has some method to find out the total independent 3D part, and delete this 3D part.

Thanks a lot.

Hong Songyang

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