[vtkusers] vts periodic boundaries

Patrick Bechlars patrick.bechlars at soton.ac.uk
Wed Jul 31 06:10:37 EDT 2013

Dear all,

I am trying to write out a cylindrical data set as a vtk file in 
StructuredGrid form to read it in Paraview. I would like to write the 
vtk file in a way that the first and last cell (see gap in the picture) 
are connected. Does any of you have experience in that and/or have a 
hint how to achieve that.

One idea was to write it in parallel format as two pieces and add ghost 
cells, but this would be quite dirty and is not exactly what I want.

Any idea is welcome!

Thanks a lot

Patrick Bechlars
Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics Group
Faculty of Engineering and the Environment
University of Southampton
Building 13, 2071
SO17 1BJ
email: patrick.bechlars at soton.ac.uk

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