[vtkusers] QT 4.7.4 + VTK 5.10.1 + OSX rendering crash

Alessandro notinmyhead at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 06:22:42 EST 2013


I'm working on a multi-platform project using QT, VTK and ITK. I'm working on a team so we run the project on several environments. Now, I'm currently stuck on an OSX issue. Using a Linux environment, provinding QT 4.8.3 and VTK 5.10.1 everything is ok. Once I try to run the same code on a OSX 10.6.8, QT 4.7.4 and VTK 5.10.1, the program crash in the paintEvent/rendering process with this error stack:

0   ???                               0000000000 0 + 0
1   libvtkRendering.5.10.dylib        0x04a543cc vtkOpenGLRenderWindow::OpenGLInit() + 46 (vtkOpenGLRenderWindow.cxx:243)
2   libvtkRendering.5.10.dylib        0x04ab5e9f vtkCocoaRenderWindow::CreateAWindow() + 3471 (vtkCocoaRenderWindow.mm:726)
3   libvtkRendering.5.10.dylib        0x04ab3646 vtkCocoaRenderWindow::Initialize() + 298 (vtkCocoaRenderWindow.mm:799)
4   libvtkRendering.5.10.dylib        0x04ab199a vtkCocoaRenderWindow::Start() + 26 (vtkCocoaRenderWindow.mm:198)
5   libvtkRendering.5.10.dylib        0x0495cd1a vtkRenderWindow::DoStereoRender() + 26 (vtkRenderWindow.cxx:704)
6   libvtkRendering.5.10.dylib        0x0495d343 vtkRenderWindow::DoFDRender() + 1181 (vtkRenderWindow.cxx:694)
7   libvtkRendering.5.10.dylib        0x0495da9c vtkRenderWindow::DoAARender() + 1870 (vtkRenderWindow.cxx:581)
8   libvtkRendering.5.10.dylib        0x0495e189 vtkRenderWindow::Render() + 1761 (vtkRenderWindow.cxx:394)
9   libvtkRendering.5.10.dylib        0x04968455 vtkRenderWindowInteractor::Render() + 63 (vtkRenderWindowInteractor.cxx:163)
10  libQVTK.5.10.dylib                0x00f5404e QVTKWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) + 162 (QVTKWidget.cxx:482)


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