[vtkusers] X11 CMake Errors on Mac

David Gobbi david.gobbi at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 13:00:43 EST 2013

Hi Ben,

Go with Qt 4.8.  Qt is what most people use with VTK.  Install the dmg
file from digia (qt-mac-opensource-4.8.4.dmg) and then build your VTK
with these CMake options:


That's all that I do when I build VTK with Qt.  The VTK build on OS X
10.6 through 10.8 is x86_64 by default, which works fine with the Qt
binary package that I mentioned above.  If you have build/link issues
related to Qt, check the QT-related variables in VTK's CMakeCache.txt
to make sure that it is finding the right versions of all the Qt
libraries (if you have multiple versions of Qt installed on your
system, this could be an issue).

 - David

On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 10:38 AM, bberkowi <benjamin-berkowitz at uiowa.edu> wrote:
> Thanks, that makes sense.  I was hoping that I would be able to use KWWidgets
> to build a simple GUI, but it seems like that may not be the case.  I also
> haven't had luck with VTK for use with either Qt 4.8 or 5.0.  Do you know of
> any alternatives?

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