[vtkusers] Movable plane on screen

Miro Drahos mdrahos at robodoc.com
Fri Aug 16 20:08:21 EDT 2013

vtkImagePlaneWidget will give you this (and more).
Use it as any other widget: give it an input, set interactor, and set 
You will get the coordinates by right clicking, although you can 
override the events by subclassing from vtkImagePlaneWidget.
There are plenty of examples on this class.

On 08/16/2013 09:56 AM, Chao Liang wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to show 3 planes on screen, along x,y,z axes respectively. I 
> can use mouse to move any plane along axis, and it will give me the 
> coordinate where it currently places.
> What classes should I use? Can anyone give me some idea?
> Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> Chao

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