[vtkusers] Questions about Examples\GUI\Qt\FourPaneViewer

Mengda Wu wumengda at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 12:36:30 EDT 2013

Hi all,

   I am trying to run FourPaneViewer. But there is one important feature is
missing: The change of orientation and position of the slices in the 3D
window cannot update the slice and cursor in three 2D windows. I think we
need to add a callback to vtkImagePlaneWidget and update
vtkResliceImageViewer when the interaction event happens. But how to update
vtkResliceImageViewer based on the new plane information from
vtkImagePlaneWidget remains a mystery to me?

  Can someone point to me functions to update vtkResliceImageViewer,
especially its member vtkResliceCursorWidget()?

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