[vtkusers] Point ID of a point if coordinates are given

Alex Malyushytskyy alexmalvtk at gmail.com
Mon Aug 5 21:16:02 EDT 2013

You may use multiple classes to do it.

For example:

Keep in mind that  the more complicated class you  use and the faster
search is usually more time/resources is spend on preparation of  the data.
And often simple loop over already existing data may be preferable if you
are going to do it once before changing the data.


On Sun, Aug 4, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Marco Nawijn <nawijn at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi David,
> You can use the vtkPointLocator class to get a point index for a given
> coordinate. I am sending this mail from my phone so I cannot give you a
> working example for the moment.
> Marco
> Hi all,
>        I am trying to find point ID of a point if the point coordinates
> are given, could you please tell me would i do this?
> david
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