[vtkusers] extract real curvature data from vertices of an edge

Billy Okal okal.billy at gmail.com
Sat Apr 27 19:26:12 EDT 2013

Hi All, 

I am trying to get the curvature information at the vertices of an edge. I have the following setup

// extract edges from the resulting curvature data 

// traverse all the edges to look for zero crossings 
for(vtkIdType i = 0; i < edge_extractor_->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfCells(); i++)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkLine> edge_line = vtkLine::SafeDownCast(edge_extractor_->GetOutput()->GetCell(i));

//todo, get the curvature and the vertices of this edge 

Where curvatures_ is PolyData that is the result of running gaussian curvature computation and edge_extractor is the simple ExtractEdge filter 

How can I get the vertices of the edge I just got as a line? and how can I then lookup the curvature values at these vertices as I need to compare these.


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