[vtkusers] Move arrow in the direction of point normal

Alex Malyushytskyy alexmalvtk at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 20:47:09 EDT 2013

Correctly asked question is 50% of the answer.
Your question does not provide details on which data types your are working
There is no such class in vtk as ArrowObject.

If you work with vtkPolyData which represent your arrow, you need to define
transformation which will  adjust orientation of your polydata and
translate it to desired location.

Useful example might be:


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 10:17 PM, Arindam <arindam at triassicsolutions.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have point and a ArrowObject.I need to move the object to the point on a
> 3D surface  and with the direction of the point normal.Means the arrow
> should point to the point at the direction of the normal of the given
> point.How can i achieve that?Any help will be appreciated.
> --
> Thanks.
> Arindam
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