[vtkusers] Trying to read a set of jpg slices

Rodrigo Lovera lobo.theslayer at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 12:09:47 EDT 2012

Well, seems to be that i'm still with some error. For what u've been
working on where do u get the dicom data sets or slices for volume
reconstruction. Do you have any source I could try as well?

2012/9/25 John Drescher <drescherjm at gmail.com>

> > Thx a lot, that solved my problem with jpeg reader, but now there's
> nothing
> > in the vtk output window, I guess maybe is a problem with the images or
> not
> > the proper way to visualize the volume not sure of that. Does anyone know
> > where to get data set samples to test these kind of small apps??
> >
> I do not know of a source of jpeg slices. I normally deal with DICOM
> files in vtk.
> Try an Update() in your pipeline before the render window.
> John

*Rodrigo Lovera*
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