[vtkusers] volume visualization with vtk

John Drescher drescherjm at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 16:51:56 EDT 2012

> thank you for your answer
> My 3D object was read by Paraview
> The example I tested is as follows:
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Cxx/IO/MetaImageReader
> but the "vtkImageMapper3D.h" does not exists
> I download it but the problem remains during compilation

You should not download that file or any other headers. They should be
in the folder you have your vtk sources and CMake should have set up
the include paths and linker settings for this project for you
provided it found VTK. On windows this may not work initially since
there is no predefined place to put libraries and header files on the
windows OS. However in cmake-gui you can fix the problem by setting
VTK_DIR to the root folder that you built vtk in. When you tried the
example did you generate its project file using CMake? If not I highly
recommend that you do so.


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