[vtkusers] Paint Select Widget

Matt Sutton matt.sutton at padtinc.com
Thu Oct 4 11:41:44 EDT 2012

  Does anyone know if there is a selection widget that will allow you to "paint select" points in a vtkPolyData?  What I would like to do is render a circle on the screen that tracks the mouse movement and is of a specific diameter.  Then, on LMB Down+Drag the underlying points in a given vtkPolyData are selected if they are inside the circle.  Finally, it would be really nice if I could interactively adjust their alpha value to make them appear more transparent the more often they pass under the circle.  Is there any type of Filter in VTK that does something like this?  I've looked a bit, but I'm not finding anything.  If not, is there decent widget to look at to gain insight as to how one might go about writing such a thing?  I'm thinking of combinations of vtkHardwareSelection with a box size of 2*radius with some kind of event processing.  I'm not afraid to try to write this myself, but any pointers on where to look first would be much appreciated!
Matt Sutton

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