[vtkusers] vtkStructuredPointsReader for reading a .vtk file (c++ or c#)

erol yeniaras eyeniaras at gmail.com
Mon May 21 18:42:56 EDT 2012

Hello all,

I am using c# wrapper of VTK. Everything works fine except the following
code snippet (it is not so different from c++). It only shows a black cube
on the renderer window when run (Tried the similar code for STL files. it
works good.):

*           * vtkRenderer renderer =
*           * // --- Get the VTK file ---
*            vtkStructuredPointsReader reader =
*            vtkDataSetMapper mapper = vtkDataSetMapper.New();*
*            vtkActor actor = vtkActor.New();*
*            *
*            reader.SetFileName("..\\Multispec_cluster20.vtk");*
*            reader.Update();**           *
*            mapper.SetInputConnection(reader.GetOutputPort());*
*          *  *actor.SetMapper(mapper);*
*            renderer.AddActor(actor);*

Is there anyone who used vtkStructuredPointsReader. Do I miss something?
Probably using the wrong mapper??

Thanks in advance,

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