[vtkusers] FW: VTK visualization
L.Ding at surrey.ac.uk
L.Ding at surrey.ac.uk
Tue May 1 12:55:36 EDT 2012
Dear VTK community.
I am writing to look for some help. My research just got stuck and a bit helpless.
I am now having a piece of code to visualise my result using VTK. This code is good and mature. All I need to do is compile this code and link it to the VTK library. However, this is where I got stuck. I am having trouble in modifying the Makefile in order to compile and link it to VTK library in supercomputer.
I found that there is VTK module in supercomputer. When I type module show xe-vtk, it gives me correct VTK library link.
I tried to modify the Makefile library link.
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/packages/nag/VTK/5.8.0/GNU/include/vtk-5.8 -Wall -O3 -g
LIBS = -L/usr/local/packages/nag/VTK/5.8.0/GNU/lib/vtk-5.8 -lvtkImaging -lvtkFiltering -lvtkGraphics -lvtkHybrid -lvtkVolumeRendering -lvtkRendering -lvtkCommon -lvtkIO -lvtkftgl -lvtksys -lvtkverdict -lvtkexoIIc -lvtkfreetype -lvtkNetCDF -lvtkDICOMParser -lvtkNetCDF_cxx -lvtkmetaio -lvtksqlite -lvtkpng -lvtkzlib -lvtkjpeg -lvtktiff -lvtkexpat -ldl -lpthread -lm
When I type make, I always got the following error message:
/usr/local/packages/nag/VTK/5.8.0/GNU/lib/vtk-5.8/libvtkVolumeRendering.a(vtkVolumeMapper.cxx.o):(.rodata._ZTV15vtkVolumeMapper[vtable for vtkVolumeMapper]+0x1f8): undefined reference to `vtkAbstractMapper::SetClippingPlanes(vtkPlaneCollection*)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [simulate] Error 1
Could someone teach me how to compile this code and link this code to VTK library in supercomputer?
Many thanks for your time and help.
Best regards
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