[vtkusers] Help on vtkMeanValueCoordinatesInterpolator

Cheng Zhigao ZGCHENG at ntu.edu.sg
Thu Mar 29 04:37:40 EDT 2012

Hi VTK Experts,

I have a vtkUnstructuredGrid mesh, named uMesh, which is a closed manifold mesh generated by a vtkDelaunay3D filter. I want to compute the weights for a point x[3] from the unstructured mesh. I just call:

            ComputeInterpolationWeights(x, uMesh->GetPoints(), uMesh->GetCells(), weights)

where weights is a float array with the same size as the uMesh points number.

i checked the weights result, they satisfy with the Affine invariance(sum to 1) but not the linear reproduction.

Where could i be wrong? Does the point X have to be within the closed mesh?

Thanks very much for any help.


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