[vtkusers] vtkLODActor->GetProperty()->SetColor() does not maintain the input color?

Hong Yi hongyi at renci.org
Fri Mar 2 09:28:57 EST 2012

I already set ScalarVisibilityOff() on the corresponding mappers, and not use scalar for color mapping at all, since the entire polydata will be colored in the same color as set to the corresponding actor. The problem is some of the uniform colors being displayed are not exactly the color being set to the actor, for example, the orange color (displayed on the legend) gets mapped to yellow for the actor in the view. Some color like green gets mapped correctly, but not some other colors. I have set lighting on, but did not expect the color could be off so much in many cases. Any insight/comment/suggestion is very much appreciated.



From: Jothybasu Selvaraj [mailto:jothybasu at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 4:16 AM
To: Hong Yi
Cc: VTK Users
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtkLODActor->GetProperty()->SetColor() does not maintain the input color?

Could you try with mapper->ScalarVisibilityOff()

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 9:36 PM, Hong Yi <hongyi at renci.org<mailto:hongyi at renci.org>> wrote:
I am using distinct colors to represent each different molecular structure for multiple structure visual comparison. Each structure is represented by a different actor, and a predefined color is passed into the actor property to set its color. I found some colors get altered significantly. For example, the orange color becomes yellow. I want to show a legend to show correspondence between colors and structures, but some colors look so different between the legend and the displayed color for the corresponding structure actor. Is this expected behavior or I did not set up something correctly? Any suggestions and comments are very much appreciated.



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