[vtkusers] Labeling points of an unstructured grid

rakesh patil prakeshofficial at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 00:00:54 EST 2012


I guess the direct output of IdFilter should give you proper Id's, rather
than passing it through geometry filter.

See this example

Hope that helps


On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 3:06 PM, John Platt <jcplatt at dsl.pipex.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFil**ter creates new,  0-based, contiguous,
> points and cell ids. I suspect you are labelling these new ids. Have you
> tried putting the id filter before the geometry filter?
> John.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jochen" <jochen.kling at email.de>
> To: <vtkusers at vtk.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2012 12:24 AM
> Subject: [vtkusers] Labeling points of an unstructured grid
> Hi all,
>> I would like to label all points of an unstructured grid with their
>> original
>> id. This sounds like easy to accomplish. I'm running out of any idea what
>> I'm doing wrong. And to be honest, I'm out of order now. Hopefully there
>> is
>> somebody out there, who can help me.
>> (my context: vtk 5.8.0, activiz, c#)
>> As soon as I add /**vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFil**ter/-filter points
>> are
>> labeled with wrong ids.
>> In the case I use the pure grid as input for /vtkIdFilter/ everything is
>> fine except that I see labels for inner points, which I cannot accept.
>> This code shows the correct ids: ( but I see the inner points)
>> private void ShowNodes() {
>> vtkUnstructuredGridReader reader;
>> vtkUnstructuredGrid ugrid;
>> vtkVertexGlyphFilter vertexFilter;
>> vtkIdFilter idFilter;
>> vtkPolyDataMapper ptsMapper;
>> vtkLabeledDataMapper lblMapper;
>> vtkActor ptsActor;
>> vtkActor2D lblActor;
>> // read ugrid
>> reader = vtkUnstructuredGridReader.New(**);
>> reader.SetFileName(@"c:\vtk\**data\cube.1.vtk"); // created by tetgen.exe
>> (cube with 48 tetrahedrons)
>> reader.Update();
>> ugrid = reader.GetOutput();
>> // filter original point ids
>> idFilter = vtkIdFilter.New();
>> idFilter.SetInputConnection(**ugrid.GetProducerPort());
>> idFilter.PointIdsOn();
>> idFilter.Update();
>> // points
>> vertexFilter = vtkVertexGlyphFilter.New();
>> vertexFilter.**SetInputConnection(ugrid.**GetProducerPort());
>> vertexFilter.Update();
>> ptsMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper.New();
>> ptsMapper.SetInputConnection(**vertexFilter.GetOutputPort());
>> ptsMapper.ScalarVisibilityOn()**;
>> ptsActor = vtkActor.New();
>> ptsActor.SetMapper(ptsMapper);
>> ptsActor.GetProperty().**SetPointSize(10.0f);
>> // point labels
>> lblMapper = vtkLabeledDataMapper.New();
>> lblMapper.SetInputConnection(**idFilter.GetOutputPort());
>> lblMapper.**SetLabelModeToLabelFieldData()**;
>> lblActor = vtkActor2D.New();
>> lblActor.SetMapper(lblMapper);
>> // render
>> renderer.AddActor(ptsActor);
>> renderer.AddActor(lblActor);
>> renWin.Render();
>> }
>> ------------------------------**----------------------
>> This code shows totally wrong ids (Differences to code above in bold)
>> private void ShowSurfaceNodes() {
>> vtkUnstructuredGridReader reader;
>> vtkUnstructuredGrid ugrid;
>> vtkVertexGlyphFilter vertexFilter;
>> vtkIdFilter idFilter;
>> vtkPolyDataMapper ptsMapper;
>> vtkLabeledDataMapper lblMapper;
>> vtkActor ptsActor;
>> vtkActor2D lblActor;
>> * vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFil**ter geo;
>> *
>> // read ugrid
>> reader = vtkUnstructuredGridReader.New(**);
>> reader.SetFileName(@"c:\vtk\**data\cube.1.vtk"); // created by tetgen.exe
>> (cube with 48 tetrahedrons)
>> reader.Update();
>> ugrid = reader.GetOutput();
>> // filter inner points, so only surface points will be available
>> * geo = vtkUnstructuredGridGeometryFil**ter.New();
>> geo.SetInputConnection(ugrid.**GetProducerPort());
>> *
>> // filter original point ids
>> idFilter = vtkIdFilter.New();
>> idFilter.SetInputConnection(***geo.GetOutputPort()*);
>> idFilter.PointIdsOn();
>> idFilter.Update();
>> // points
>> vertexFilter = vtkVertexGlyphFilter.New();
>> vertexFilter.**SetInputConnection(*geo.**GetOutputPort()*);
>> vertexFilter.Update();
>> ptsMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper.New();
>> ptsMapper.SetInputConnection(**vertexFilter.GetOutputPort());
>> ptsMapper.ScalarVisibilityOn()**;
>> ptsActor = vtkActor.New();
>> ptsActor.SetMapper(ptsMapper);
>> ptsActor.GetProperty().**SetPointSize(10.0f);
>> // point labels
>> lblMapper = vtkLabeledDataMapper.New();
>> lblMapper.SetInputConnection(**idFilter.GetOutputPort());
>> lblMapper.**SetLabelModeToLabelFieldData()**;
>> lblActor = vtkActor2D.New();
>> lblActor.SetMapper(lblMapper);
>> renderer.AddActor(ptsActor);
>> renderer.AddActor(lblActor);
>> renWin.Render();
>> }
>> I hope code is not too long.
>> Please help. I tried so many things, unfortunately with no success.
>> with kind regards
>> Jochen
>> --
>> View this message in context: http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.**
>> com/Labeling-points-of-an-**unstructured-grid-**tp5520458p5520458.html<http://vtk.1045678.n5.nabble.com/Labeling-points-of-an-unstructured-grid-tp5520458p5520458.html>
>> Sent from the VTK - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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