[vtkusers] reset scalars

David Doria daviddoria at gmail.com
Mon Jul 9 09:03:45 EDT 2012

On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Gonzalo Amadio <gonzaloamadio at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there a good way of deleting scalars from a polydata?
> My problem is that I am iterating over the cells of a polydata, and in
> each iteration I want to use a different set of scalars.
> So, in each iterarion I do :
>    surface->GetCellData()->SetScalars(myScalarArray);
> But I think I have to delete the scalars of the previous iteration, so I
> have only the last array of scalars.
> Another point of view of the question would be :
> doing
>    surface->GetCellData()->SetScalars(array1);
>    surface->GetCellData()->SetScalars(array2);
> is the same as only
>    surface->GetCellData()->SetScalars(array2); ?
> or the result of the first case would lead to have the scalars in "array1"
> plus the scalars in "array2" and not only the scalars in "array2".
> Thank you.!

I believe you are correct that

is the same as only


it should just be setting a pointer, so overwriting the pointer would
not concatenate the data, but just change it.

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