[vtkusers] Triangularizing /Cut Triangles

mandalin_ Amanda.Blair.Lind at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 19:40:25 EST 2012

Hi !

 I've got a series of vtkPoints that are a collection of samples residing
within a concave plane.

I turn them into PolyData.

That PolyData is sent as an input to vtkDelaunay2D

The final output is rendered.
I have a problem in that the ploygon visualzied is in fact convex !

in the past, when i had the corners of a concave plane I used
    // Triangularize potentially concave large polygons
    vtkTriangleFilter * CutTriangles;
    CutTriangles= vtkTriangleFilter::New();
to make sure it was rendered properly.

In this case, I do have corners, organized with indices, into cells, so this
wont work. What do you recommend ? Is there some syntax that would make it
work for this type of Polydata ?

Also, are there any recommended resources/examples for different
gradients/color schemes for colormap ?

Amanda.Blair.Lind at gmail.com

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