[vtkusers] Help for 3d surface extraction

Rong Xu xurong1981 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 08:03:58 EDT 2012

Hi, everybody:

In my project, I have used vtkMarchingCubes method to extract a 3d fetal
facial surface from 3d ultrasound data. But I found there were two layers
of 3d surface(as shown in "3DSurface"), and I just want to extract the
frontal facial surface. Does anyone have any ideas for realizing my purpose

Thank you!


Best Regards!

Rong Xu,  Ph.D Student
Ohya Lab
Graduate School of Global Information and Telecommunication
Studies (GITS), Waseda University
1-6-1 Nishi Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan (¨“169-8050)

Tel:          +81-80-4208-1207
E-mail:     xurong1981 at gmail.com
               xurong at fuji.waseda.jp
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