[vtkusers] missing points in polydata

Gonzalo Amadio gonzaloamadio at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 06:08:17 EDT 2012

Hello everyone. I have a polydata with scalars ( 0,1 or 2 ) in the cells.
I want to extract all the cells with scalar 1.
Finally, when I try to print the number of points in the extracted
polydata, it gives me 0 . What I am missing here?
Should I construct the points set explicitly?


> int i = 0;

while ( polydata->GetPolys()->GetNextCell ( npts, pts ) != 0 )
> {
> if (cellScalarsPolydata->GetValue( i ) == 1) // if cell scalar == 1, get
> it.
> {
> extractedCellArray->InsertNextCell(3);
>  extractedCellArray->InsertCellPoint(pts[0]);
> extractedCellArray->InsertCellPoint(pts[1]);
>  extractedCellArray->InsertCellPoint(pts[2]);
> }
> i++;
> }

vtkPolyData* extractedPolyData = vtkPolyData::New();
> extractedPolyData->SetPolys(extractedCellArray);
> extractedPolyData->BuildCells();

std::cout << "num points" << extractedPolyData->GetNumberOfPoints() <<
> std::endl; // This gives me 0

Gonzalo Amadio
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