[vtkusers] Help for copy of vtkImageData

Rong Xu xurong1981 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 12:33:12 EDT 2011

Hi, guys:

In my programming, I want to copy a local variable of vtkImageData to a
global variable of vtkImageData, and I tried shallowcopy and deepcopy, but
they didn't work. Does anyone have ideas about this problem?

Thank you!



Best Regards!


Rong Xu,     Ph.D Student
Ohya Lab,   Global Information and Telecommunication Studies (GITS)
Waseda University, Japan (¨“169-0051)

Tel:             +81-80-4208-1207
E-mail:        xurong1981 at gmail.com
                  xurong at fuji.waseda.jp

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