[vtkusers] ogl Context Sharing

Dirk Fortmeier fortmeier at imi.uni-luebeck.de
Fri Sep 9 04:02:12 EDT 2011

Hi everybody,

using 3 different RenderWindows (attached to QVTKWidgets) I have the
Problem of displaying a textured object in each of them. In the first
one the texture is displayed nicely, but not in the other two. As far as
I understand this, it's due to the three different opengl rendering
contexts. Can I somehow share one single context for each of the
windows? I am using CUDA as well, and the context switching seems to
cause some trouble for me.


Dirk Fortmeier <fortmeier at imi.uni-luebeck.de>, PhD Student

Institute of Medical Informatics
Graduate School for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences
University of Lübeck

Building 64, 2F, Room 4
Ratzeburger Allee 160
23538 Lübeck

Tel.:+49 (451) 500-5635
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