[vtkusers] how to connect a vtkDataSet to the input connection of a vtkAlgorithm?

Andreas Buykx A.Buykx at tnodiana.com
Wed Nov 23 06:17:01 EST 2011

Hi all,

In my application I build a vtkUnstructuredGrid that I want to feed to pipelines using the vtkAlgorithm::SetInputConnection(), instead of having to use the vtkAlgorithm::SetInput() of a derived class. Is there a way to 'wrap' the vtkDataSet/vtkPointSet/vtkUnstructuredGrid in a vtkAlgorithmOutput that I can connect to a vtkAlgorithm's input connection, similar to vtkTrivialProducer for vtkDataObject? Unfortunately the output port of a vtkTrivialProducer just tells that its output data object is a vtkDataObject even if it is in fact a vtkUnstructuredGrid.

Thanks for your advice,

Andreas Buykx
Senior Software Engineer

Software Developers and Analysis Consultants for Civil and Geotechnical Engineering

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...be green keep it on screen

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