[vtkusers] VTK 5.8.0 HDF5 reader

Jim Geach jimgeach at physics.mcgill.ca
Wed Nov 9 11:05:03 EST 2011

dear all --

i'd like to read a data-set (regular gridded data) from a large HDF5 file, straight into a vtkStructuredPoints object if possible. 

currently i'm doing this (in python) by first reading from the HDF5 using h5py into a numpy array and then converting to a vtkDataArray, etc. 

however, there are two problems:

(a) this is quite slow (we're dealing with many GB data sets)
(b) there is a bug in numpy that doesn't allow the passing of extremely large (i.e. 2**32-1 element) arrays to VTK

so in short, is there a vtkHDF5Reader ?

i have found some (old) documentation on some discussion boards about an earlier reader, but all the links are defunct. however, i also came across some more recent discussion of HDF5 in VTK 5.8 which looked encouraging.

any help would be gratefully received


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