[vtkusers] vtkXYPlotActor Not Plotting All Points

LOUIS-JORDAN DEERING (RIT Student) ljd3100 at rit.edu
Tue Mar 22 09:41:24 EDT 2011

Hi Fellow VTK Users,

I am trying to create a simple 2-Dimensional Graph, but I can't seem to get all of the points to plot onto the graph. Only the first three points are plotting. I don't know if it's an issue with the vtk file I'm reading, or the code itself. I've included both below. Secondly, how do you determine dimensions in a vtk file? I haven't found a definition anywhere for it, not even in the VTK User's Guide. Thank you,


package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction

vtkStructuredGridReader reader
        reader SetFileName "points.vtk"
        reader Update
vtkDataSetToDataObjectFilter dataObject
        dataObject SetInputConnection [reader GetOutputPort]
        dataObject Update

vtkXYPlotActor plot

        plot AddDataObjectInput [dataObject GetOutput]
#       plot SetXRange 0.0 32.0
#       plot SetYRange 0.0 9.0
        plot SetXValuesToArcLength
        plot SetTitle "Graph"
        plot SetXTitle "X"
        plot SetYTitle "Y"
        plot SetXValuesToValue
        plot SetWidth 1.0
        plot SetHeight 1.0
        plot SetPosition 0.0 0.0
        plot LegendOn
        plot PickableOff
        plot PlotLinesOff
        plot PlotPointsOn

        plot SetDataObjectXComponent 0 0
        plot SetDataObjectYComponent 0 1
        plot SetPlotColor 0 1.0 0.0 0.0
        plot SetPlotLabel 0 "The Label"
        [plot GetProperty] SetColor 0.0 0.0 0.0
vtkRenderer renderer
        renderer SetBackground 1.0 1.0 1.0
        renderer AddActor2D plot

vtkRenderWindow renderWindow
        renderWindow SetSize 550 450
        renderWindow AddRenderer renderer

vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
        iren SetRenderWindow renderWindow

vtkXYPlotWidget grapher
        grapher SetXYPlotActor plot
        grapher SetInteractor iren
        grapher SetEnabled 1

renderWindow Render

iren Start

vtk file

# vtk DataFile Version 3.0
DIMENSIONS     10            1              1
POINTS         10           double
0       0       0
1       2       0
2       4       0
3       8       0
4       16      0
5       32      0
6       16      0
7       8       0
8       4       0
9       2       0
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