[vtkusers] displaying dicom images with the right orientation
Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao
jmrbcu at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 09:59:07 EDT 2011
so, no one at all?
On 3/14/11, Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao <jmrbcu at gmail.com> wrote:
> any ideas?
> On 3/14/11, Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao <jmrbcu at gmail.com> wrote:
>> i folks, I just finished two versions of a pipeline for displaying
>> dicom images with the right display position and orientation. I am
>> using gdcm vtkGDCMImageReader to read the images (and IPPSort to
>> sort). In both pipelines I set the reader's FileLoewerLeft to "On" and
>> in both I achieve the desired result. The question is which pipeline
>> is better for wat I am trying to do (display the images the right way
>> and later display a MPR view) or use one for display simple slices and
>> the other one to make a MPR. One pipeline version is using the camera
>> to achieve the right visualization and the other one is using
>> vtkImageReslice.
>> here is an example program with the two pipelines (left: Camera,
>> right: vtkImageReslice)
>> def get_left_renderer(input, dir_cosines):
>> image_actor = vtk.vtkImageActor()
>> image_actor.SetInput(input.GetOutput())
>> ren_left = vtk.vtkRenderer()
>> ren_left.SetViewport(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0)
>> ren_left.AddActor(image_actor)
>> camera_left = ren_left.GetActiveCamera()
>> axial_matrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
>> axial_matrix.DeepCopy(dir_cosines)
>> axial_matrix.SetElement(1, 1, -1)
>> t = vtk.vtkTransform()
>> t.Identity()
>> t.Concatenate(axial_matrix)
>> camera_left.SetUserTransform(t)
>> ren_left.ResetCamera()
>> return ren_left
>> def get_right_renderer(input):
>> image = input.GetOutput()
>> (x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max) = image.GetWholeExtent()
>> (x_spacing, y_spacing, z_spacing) = image.GetSpacing()
>> (x0, y0, z0) = image.GetOrigin()
>> center = (
>> x0 + x_spacing * 0.5 * (x_min + x_max),
>> y0 + y_spacing * 0.5 * (y_min + y_max),
>> z0
>> )#+ z_spacing * 0.5 * (z_min + z_max))
>> axial = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
>> axial.DeepCopy((
>> 1, 0, 0, center[0],
>> 0, -1, 0, center[1],
>> 0, 0, 1, center[2],
>> 0, 0, 0, 1
>> ))
>> reslice = vtk.vtkImageReslice()
>> reslice.SetInput(input.GetOutput())
>> reslice.SetOutputDimensionality(3)
>> reslice.SetAutoCropOutput(True)
>> reslice.SetResliceAxes(axial)
>> image_actor = vtk.vtkImageActor()
>> image_actor.SetInput(reslice.GetOutput())
>> ren_right = vtk.vtkRenderer()
>> ren_right.SetViewport(0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
>> ren_right.AddActor(image_actor)
>> ren_right.ResetCamera()
>> return ren_right
>> import vtk, vtkgdcm, sys
>> from PyQt4 import QtGui
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>> app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
>> isi = vtk.vtkInteractorStyleImage()
>> vtk_widget = vtk.QVTKWidget()
>> vtk_widget.resize(1280,800)
>> vtk_widget.GetInteractor().SetInteractorStyle(isi)
>> rwin = vtk_widget.GetRenderWindow()
>> # read the image from disk
>> image_reader = vtkgdcm.vtkGDCMImageReader()
>> image_reader.SetFileName('/home/jmrbcu/pictures/workpictures/dicom/IM66.dcm')
>> image_reader.FileLowerLeftOn()
>> image_reader.Update()
>> # calculate the middle window center and width
>> image = image_reader.GetOutput()
>> range = image.GetScalarRange()
>> center = 0.5 * (range[1] + range[0])
>> width = range[1] - range[0]
>> # create the colormap
>> colormap = vtkgdcm.vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors2()
>> colormap.SetInputConnection(image_reader.GetOutputPort())
>> colormap.SetWindow(width)
>> colormap.SetLevel(center)
>> colormap.Update()
>> # create left and right renderers
>> rwin.AddRenderer(get_left_renderer(colormap,
>> image_reader.GetDirectionCosines()))
>> rwin.AddRenderer(get_right_renderer(colormap))
>> rwin.Render()
>> vtk_widget.show()
>> app.exec_()
>> # ipp = reader.GetImagePositionPatient()
>> # iop = reader.GetImageOrientationPatient()
>> # row = iop[:3]
>> # col = iop[3:]
>> # slice = [0,0,0]
>> # vtk.vtkMath().Cross(row, col, slice)
>> #
>> # matrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()
>> # for j in range(3):
>> # matrix.SetElement(j, 0, row[j])
>> # matrix.SetElement(j, 1, col[j])
>> # matrix.SetElement(j, 2, slice[j])
>> #
>> #
>> # ca.SetUserTransform(t)
>> # ca.SetViewUp(0, -1, 0)
>> # ca.SetFocalPoint(0, 0, 1)
>> # ca.SetPosition(0,0,0)
>> # ca.ComputeViewPlaneNormal()
>> # ca.OrthogonalizeViewUp()
>> # ca.ParallelProjectionOn()
>> # ca.SetParallelScale(1)
>> --
>> Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao
>> Centro de Biofisica Medica
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>> Todos somos muy ignorantes, lo que ocurre es que no todos ignoramos lo
>> mismo.
>> Recuerda: El arca de Noe fue construida por aficionados, el titanic
>> por profesionales
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao
> Centro de Biofisica Medica
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> Todos somos muy ignorantes, lo que ocurre es que no todos ignoramos lo
> mismo.
> Recuerda: El arca de Noe fue construida por aficionados, el titanic
> por profesionales
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
Lic. José M. Rodriguez Bacallao
Centro de Biofisica Medica
Todos somos muy ignorantes, lo que ocurre es que no todos ignoramos lo mismo.
Recuerda: El arca de Noe fue construida por aficionados, el titanic
por profesionales
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