[vtkusers] Visualizing dense structured grid on surface

Artem Babayan artem.paraview at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 1 13:08:38 EDT 2011


I have a 2D structured grid with scalar data, which I can view as 3D
graphics using vtkWarpScalar and vtkImageDataGeometryFilter:

    vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageDataGeometryFilter> filter =

    vtkSmartPointer<vtkWarpScalar> warper =

 Now, I want to superimpose grid lines on the surface. For simplicity,
say, I want just to show 'wireframe' of the surface. If I simply
switch vtkActor to 'wireframe' mode the resulting grid is too dense --
actually it is so dense, that it looks like surface.

Applying vtkMaskPolyData to the warper->GetOutputPort() removes not
the grid lines, but 'squares' or 'cells' which form the grid --
apparently the result of 'warper' is the set of polygons (squares),
not the grid points.

Are there any chance to make the grid lines along the surface
'sparser', preferably without losing the accuracy along each line?
E.g. if I leave only 2 grid lines in each direction, I want each line
to follow the surface.

Is it possible at all?

Thanks to anybody, who can help

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