[vtkusers] VTI time series and piece extend

Oldrich Svec oldrich.svec at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 03:19:32 EDT 2011


I use vtkXMLImageDataWriter with ZLIB and appended mode to produce a
time series of vti files (lbm_0.vti, lbm_30.vti ...) which
change their domain size in time. For example, lbm_0.vti has <Piece
Extent="0 60 0 60 0 61">  and lbm_1020.vti has <Piece Extent="0 86 0
86 0 61">. When I load the series into the Paraview, the domain does
not enlarge and stays at its initial size. When I load lbm_1020.vti
separately, it has the correct domain size. Do you have any idea why is
that and how to make that work?

And a second question. How do I write a pvd file using activiz vtk wrapper?

Thanks in advance

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