[vtkusers] R: Render radial trasparency

vespasiano at libero.it vespasiano at libero.it
Sat Jan 29 02:58:23 EST 2011

Nobody can help me? Suggestions? Ideas? It's very important because it's for my 
master degree thesis.

Thanks a lot. Francesco.

>----Messaggio originale----
>Da: vespasiano at libero.it
>Data: 28/01/2011 18.13
>A: <vtkusers at vtk.org>
>Ogg: [vtkusers] Render radial trasparency
>Hi all,
>I'm writing an augmented reality application where I have two renders 
>connected to a render window. 
>In the first render, that is on layer 0, I have a plane source where i have 
>connected a camera input as a texture to see images from a webcam. In the 
>render, that is on layer 1, I render over the layer 0 my 3d scene. 
>Now i need to adjust the opacity of the rendered layer1. I would that the 
>opacity of my rendered 3d scene should decrease radially around a center 
>that i define.
>I thought that i can use a graylevel map to define the opacity map of my 
>rendered scene but i can't find in vtk documentation any ideas to make such 
>filter. I need like a filter that i connect between the output of the render 
>and the input of the render window and set the pixel opacity. 
>Note that i wouldn't modify the opacity of the video but only the opacity of 
>my rendered 3d scene.
>Any ideas to do so? Thanks a lot. 
>Francesco Ricciardi.
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