[vtkusers] Release button not working with vtkEventQtSlotConnect

Jafari, Kourosh kjafari at rad.hfh.edu
Sat Feb 5 20:02:48 EST 2011

Dear All,

I am using QT and VTK and trying to customize interactions in my application. I use vtkEventQtSlotConnect to connect events in a window to some slots in my main window. It works fine for events such as mouse move or mouse click. But it does not work with mouse release event. Here is the code that I use:

QVTKWidget *DisplayWidgetAxialPlane;




vtkEventQtSlotConnect *Connections;

Connections = vtkEventQtSlotConnect::New();


vtkCommand::RightButtonReleaseEvent, this, SLOT(eventsAxialPlane(vtkObject* , unsigned long )));

In DisplayWidgetAxialPlane, I show a slice of a volume using vtkImageReslice and can normally interact with the image. It may be because the events of the default interactor have higher priority. Does anybody know why this happens?

Thanks a lot!


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