[vtkusers] vtkContourFilter having problem with vtkScalarTree
Rooparam Choudhary
rrc.iisc at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 13:05:20 EDT 2011
I am facing a strange problem, actually i was implementing NOISE
algorithm for contour extraction. So i implemented a subclass of
vtkScalarTree (subclass name is vtkRRCKDTree). But when i do
UseScalarTreeOn, it seems like vtkContourFilter is actually not using
ScalarTree to get active contour cells. So i took one step backward and used
vtkSimpleScalarTree, but vtkContourFilter doesn't seem to use ScalarTree in
this case also. (PS: i am observing the visualization in TCL by pressing 'u'
when gui appears, then typing 'myTree Print' or 'contour Print')
My code is as follows:
package require vtk
package require vtkinteraction
# create renderer, render window, and interactor
vtkRenderer aRenderer
vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer aRenderer
renWin SetSize 640 480
vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin
# create reader
vtkImageReader aReader
aReader SetFileName "engine.raw"
aReader SetFileDimensionality 3
aReader SetDataExtent 0 127 0 148 0 200
aReader SetDataSpacing 0.046766 0.046766 0.046766
aReader SetDataOrigin 0.0 0.0 0.0
aReader SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar
aReader UpdateWholeExtent
# outline filter
vtkOutlineFilter outline
outline SetInputConnection [aReader GetOutputPort]
vtkPolyDataMapper outlineMapper
outlineMapper SetInputConnection [outline GetOutputPort]
vtkActor outlineActor
outlineActor SetMapper outlineMapper
[outlineActor GetProperty] SetColor 0 0 1
# create scalar tree
vtkSimpleScalarTree myTree
myTree SetDataSet [aReader GetOutput]
# isosurface filter
vtkContourFilter contour
contour SetInputConnection [aReader GetOutputPort]
contour SetValue 0 1
contour SetScalarTree myTree
contour UseScalarTreeOn
contour ComputeNormalsOn
contour ComputeGradientsOn
vtkPolyDataMapper mcMapper
mcMapper SetInputConnection [contour GetOutputPort]
eval mcMapper SetScalarRange [[aReader GetOutput] GetScalarRange]
mcMapper ScalarVisibilityOn
vtkActor mcActor
mcActor SetMapper mcMapper
[mcActor GetProperty] SetColor 1 1 1
# complete pipeline
aRenderer AddActor outlineActor
aRenderer AddActor mcActor
aRenderer ResetCamera
aRenderer ResetCameraClippingRange
# slider widget representation
vtkSliderRepresentation2D sliderRep
sliderRep SetMinimumValue 0
sliderRep SetMaximumValue 255
sliderRep SetValue 1
sliderRep SetTitleText "isosurface value"
# position slider
[sliderRep GetPoint1Coordinate] SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedDisplay
[sliderRep GetPoint1Coordinate] SetValue 0.1 0.1
[sliderRep GetPoint2Coordinate] SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedDisplay
[sliderRep GetPoint2Coordinate] SetValue 0.9 0.1
# slider representation
sliderRep SetSliderLength 0.02
sliderRep SetSliderWidth 0.03
sliderRep SetEndCapLength 0.01
sliderRep SetEndCapWidth 0.03
sliderRep SetTubeWidth 0.005
sliderRep SetLabelFormat "%3.0f"
# actual slider widget
vtkSliderWidget sliderWidget
sliderWidget SetInteractor iren
sliderWidget SetRepresentation sliderRep
sliderWidget KeyPressActivationOff
sliderWidget SetAnimationModeToAnimate
sliderWidget AddObserver InteractionEvent callback
# start viz.
iren AddObserver UserEvent {wm deiconify .vtkInteract}
iren Initialize
renWin Render
sliderWidget On
wm withdraw .
vtkMath math
proc callback { } {
contour SetValue 0 [ eval math Round [ sliderRep GetValue ] ]
Rooparam Choudhary,
M Tech (2010-2012)
Computational Science,
Supercomputer Education & Research Center,
Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore - 560 012, INDIA
Ph: (P) +91-94613-14938
email: rooparam at rishi.serc.iisc.ernet.in
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