[vtkusers] How to bring an object to the coordinate's origin

nuno.jf nunofernandes7 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 10:52:49 EDT 2011

Thank you very much Wes!
I used vtkGeometryFilter and it worked. But now I have other problem (lol).

   vtkUnstructuredGridReader *reader = vtkUnstructuredGridReader::New();

   vtkUnstructuredGrid * unstructured= vtkUnstructuredGrid::New();
   unstructured = reader ->GetOutput();
   unstructured ->Update();
   //converter para polydata
   vtkGeometryFilter *teste = vtkGeometryFilter::New();
   vtkPolyData * polydata= vtkPolyData::New();
    polydata = teste->GetOutput ();
  // Construct the surface and create isosurface.	
  vtkSmartPointer surf = 

The problem is that when I run the problem I get the following error:
ERROR: In ..\..\src\IO\vtkUnstructuredGridReader.cxx, line 143
vtkUnstructuredGridReader (02C3ED90): Cannot read dataset type: polydata

ERROR: In ..\..\src\Imaging\vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter.cxx, line 173
vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter (02A78168): No points to reconstruct

I think vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter is not reading any points from the
polydata. The problem is that if I make :

	polydata -> SetPoints(teste->GetOutput());

I get the following compilation error:

cannot convert parameter 1 from 'vtkPolyData *' to 'vtkPoints *'


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