[vtkusers] fix position of vtkAxesActor

Benoist Laurent benoist at ibpc.fr
Fri Sep 17 10:57:32 EDT 2010

Hi all,

The example works very well.
However, when I try to put the code relative to the axes in a  
different fonction the application crashes.

void displayAxes(vtkRenderWindowInteractor *renderWindowInteractor)
     vtkSmartPointer<vtkAxesActor> axes =

     vtkSmartPointer<vtkOrientationMarkerWidget> widget =
     widget->SetOutlineColor( 0.9300, 0.5700, 0.1300 );
     widget->SetOrientationMarker( axes );
     widget->SetInteractor( renderWindowInteractor );
     widget->SetViewport( 0.0, 0.0, 0.4, 0.4 );
     widget->SetEnabled( 1 );

So I guess there's something I did not understand with the  
vtkSmartPointer and/or the vtkWidget.

An idea ?


Le 17 sept. 10 à 15:55, Nicolas Sarrasin a écrit :

> Thanks very much!
> It's exactly what I wanted.
> Le 16/09/2010 18:55, David Doria a écrit :
>> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 12:31 PM, Nicolas Sarrasin <nsarrasin at phenix-systems.com 
>> > wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> How can i display 3Daxes in the bottom-right corner of my window ?
>> I want to fix the position in the screen, not in the space.
>> I can render those axes with vtkAxesActor but I don't know to to  
>> fix its position.
>> Thanks by advance,
>> N. Sarrasin
>> Try this:
>> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Cxx/Visualization/DisplayCoordinateAxes
>> David
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