[vtkusers] vtkCutter doesn't return cells that are totally inside the cutting vtkPlane

Bill Lorensen bill.lorensen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 08:10:37 EDT 2010


I misunderstood your question. The cutting plane is infinitesimally
thin so it would be difficult to extract those points via clipping.
Also, both clipping and cutting introduce new points. I can think of 3
ways to do this (there may be more):

1) Define a thin hexahedral cell that contains the plane. Then use
2) Use vtkPlaneSource to define the plane. Then loop through all of
the points and use the quad's EvaluatePosition to determine
inside/outside. This will probably be slow.
3) Loop over all points and compute the distance to the plane using
the plane equation. Retain those points that are within a tolerance of

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Dan Asimov <dan.asimov at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Bill,
> Thanks for the reply!
> I already tried this but vtkClipPolydata will return all the points on one
> side of the cutting plane. I need the points inside the cutting plane only.
> For ex: if I move the origin of the cutting plane to
> pPlane->SetOrigin(0,0,-0.1);
> then vtkClipPolydata will return five points (the two cutting points and the
> three points in the x-y plane). However, vtkCutter will return only the two
> cutting points.
> what do you think?
> Thanks!
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Bill Lorensen <bill.lorensen at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> You want vtkClipPolydata rather than vtkCutter.
>> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Dan Asimov <dan.asimov at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I'm new to vtk. So, forgive me for my simple question!
>> >
>> > I'm trying to use vtkCutter on a vtkPolydata to get all the points
>> > inside a
>> > specific plane. However, it seems vtkCutter doesn't return any cell that
>> > lies completely inside the cutting plane!
>> >
>> > Here is a very simple example in C++:
>> >
>> > //Adding some points (3 of them in the x-y plane)
>> > vtkPoints *pPoints = vtkPoints::New();
>> > pPoints->InsertNextPoint(1,0,-0.5);
>> > pPoints->InsertNextPoint(0,1,0);
>> > pPoints->InsertNextPoint(-1,0,0);
>> > pPoints->InsertNextPoint(0,-1,0);
>> >
>> > vtkPolyData *pPolydata = vtkPolyData::New();
>> > pPolydata->SetPoints(pPoints);
>> >
>> > vtkPolygon *pPolygon = vtkPolygon::New();
>> > pPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetNumberOfIds(4);
>> > for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
>> > {
>> >     pPolygon->GetPointIds()->SetId(i,i);
>> > }
>> > pPolydata->Allocate(1,1);
>> >
>> > pPolydata->InsertNextCell(pPolygon->GetCellType(),pPolygon->GetPointIds());
>> >
>> > // The cutting plane is the x-y plane
>> > vtkPlane *pPlane = vtkPlane::New();
>> > pPlane->SetOrigin(0,0,0);
>> > pPlane->SetNormal(0,0,1);
>> >
>> > // Cut
>> > vtkCutter *pCutter = vtkCutter::New();
>> > pCutter->SetCutFunction(pPlane);
>> > pCutter->SetInput(pPolydata);
>> > pCutter->Update();
>> > vtkPolyData *pCutterOutput = pCutter->GetOutput();
>> >
>> > vtkPoints *Pts = pCutterOutput->GetPoints();
>> > int nPts = Pts->GetNumberOfPoints();
>> >
>> > now, the pCutterOutput contains only two points (0,1,0) & (0,-1,0). I
>> > was
>> > expecting it will contain also (-1,0,0) since it's in the same plane
>> > (x-y
>> > plane). Am I missing something??
>> >
>> > Thanks for your help!
>> >
>> >
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