[vtkusers] How to access vtkPolyData data

Raúl Ferriz raul at torresyvalero.com
Wed Sep 15 13:14:25 EDT 2010


I have an spline polydata on an vtkPolyData variable:

vtkPolyData * poly = vtkPolyData::New();
SPLineRepresentation->GetPolyData (poly);

vtkCellArray * lines = polyData->GetLines();
vtkPoints    * points = polyData->GetPoints();

int nlines = lines->GetNumberOfCells();
int npoints = points->GetNumberOfPoints();

How can I obtain line and point data?
I tried this but don't work:

     vtkIdList * id = vtkIdList::New();
     for (int _i = 0; _i < nlines; _i++)
         if (lines->GetNextCell(id) == 0)
             vtkErrorMacro(<< "No next cell");

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