[vtkusers] Perspective view of vtkCursor3D

Granseier, Michael (VISUS) granseier at visus.com
Mon Sep 13 10:35:01 EDT 2010

Dear VTK Users,

I'm trying to mark a three-dimensional point in a volume using the vtkCursor3D class.
My problem is, that the length of the crosshairs' lines stay constant, even if the position of the point is farther away from the camera.
I'm using SetModelBounds to specify the length.

The same problem occurs with a vtkSphereSource. The radius of the source stays the same, no matter how far away it is from the camera.

Is it possible to scale the crosshairs' lines or the sphere radius relative to the camera distance?
So, that the marker-object becomes smaller, the further the specified point is away from the camera and larger, the closer it is?

Thanks for any kind of help.


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