[vtkusers] GSoC Volume Render in WebGL / Building my own VTK renderer

Sebastien Jourdain sebastien.jourdain at kitware.com
Fri Sep 3 16:23:28 EDT 2010

Hi Wendel,

I don't know much on the project you talked about, but it sounds that
you might be interessted by the ParaViewWeb project.
If you want to give a look, there is a demonstration server here


On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 3:55 PM, Wendel Silva <wendelbsilva at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Searching on the web I found in the VTK webpage a list of projects for the
> Google Summer Code 2010
> http://vtk.org/Wiki/GSoC#Project:_Volume_Rendering_in_O3D.2FWebGL
> One of the projects is the implementation of a volume render using
> WebGL/O3D.
> I was wondering the status of this project and if it will be open when
> released.
> There is any other project to port VTK to WebGL?
> Another subject. I have an application that use VTK and I want to share the
> result (visualization) of this application in another machine. The problem
> is that I dont want have to install VTK at that other machine.
> It is possible to get all the necessary information from my VTK application
> (such as mesh, normals, data generated, transfer function) and with my own
> render (without vtk), get the same visual result? Too much effort?
> Thank you,
> Wendel B Silva
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