[vtkusers] Visualize a box of several identical models

Christian Lohr aequinoktikum at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 31 13:45:51 EDT 2010

I want to construct a box of identical models. The models have the
disadvantage, that they are very detailed, so I used a LOD-Technique
from VTK (vtkQuadricsActor). But I'm still not satisfied, because when
I generate a large box with a lot of models, the application freezes
for a certain time. The main problem occurs when I stop moving the
object with my mouse and then it switches to the full detailed
representation.(Application is not responding for a couple of seconds)

I already wrote/copied some code together doing this job as I said.
I used the class vtkSTLReader to import the model. They are appended
to vtkAppendPolyData(but first transformed via vtkTransformFilter)

Because I'm new to VTK, it would be interesting to know, if there's a
better method to do this.

I appended my source code and a picture of who it looks like(and should).

Sincerely yours,

Christian Lohr
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