[vtkusers] vtk build is broken on windows with shared libraries and Java turned on

Mark Roden mmroden at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 13:27:43 EDT 2010

Visual studio 2008, 64 bit version.

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Dave Partyka <dave.partyka at kitware.com>wrote:

> Those options should be fine. What compiler version are you using?
> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 1:12 PM, Mark Roden <mmroden at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> Thanks.  I'm actually getting the build errors with Java wrapping turned
>> off now, so I'm thinking I have something strange going on on my particular
>> machine.
>> I've just done a git status, reverted all files, and git pull, to ensure
>> that I'm up-to-date.
>> My cmake options are
>> shared libs
>> use_n_way_arrays
>> use_rendering
>> and I change the default install directory to somewhere on my H drive.
>> I turned off the java wrapping.
>> I'm still getting the errors.
>> Thoughts?
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Dave Partyka <dave.partyka at kitware.com>wrote:
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> I'll add Java to a couple of the Windows dashboards. I turned Java
>>> wrapping off when it started randomly failing when built in parallel. David
>>> Gobbi recently committed a fix for that so I will turn Java wrapping back
>>> on.
>>> On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Mark Roden <mmroden at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> The vtk git source is broken for windows builds with shared libraries
>>>> and java turned on, and has been for quite a while now.  I've moved back to
>>>> vtk 5.6.1 in the meantime, but instabilities in that build have me looking
>>>> more to the most recent git repository in the hopes that it solves the
>>>> random crashes I'm encountering.
>>>> The compile errors look like:
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkDataArrayTemplate.h(329) : error C4430:
>>>> missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(32) : error C2491:
>>>> 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::New' : definition of dllimport function not
>>>> allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(35) : error C2491:
>>>> 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::SetArray' : definition of dllimport function
>>>> not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(42) : error C2491:
>>>> 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::vtkArrayIteratorTemplate' : definition of
>>>> dllimport function not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(50) : error C2491:
>>>> 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::~vtkArrayIteratorTemplate' : definition of
>>>> dllimport function not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(62) : error C2491:
>>>> 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::Initialize' : definition of dllimport function
>>>> not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(73) : error C2491:
>>>> 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::GetNumberOfTuples' : definition of dllimport
>>>> function not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(84) : error C2491:
>>>> 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::GetNumberOfValues' : definition of dllimport
>>>> function not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(95) : error C2491:
>>>> 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::GetNumberOfComponents' : definition of
>>>> dllimport function not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(102) : error
>>>> C2491: 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::GetTuple' : definition of dllimport
>>>> function not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(109) : error
>>>> C2491: 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::GetDataType' : definition of dllimport
>>>> function not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(116) : error
>>>> C2491: 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::GetDataTypeSize' : definition of
>>>> dllimport function not allowed
>>>> 22>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkArrayIteratorTemplate.txx(133) : error
>>>> C2491: 'vtkArrayIteratorTemplate<T>::PrintSelf' : definition of dllimport
>>>> function not allowed
>>>> and I notice that there isn't a dashboard machine that builds vtk with
>>>> shared libraries for Windows with Java wrapping enabled (amber10 has shared
>>>> libraries on, just no java wrappings).
>>>> Any idea on how to fix this?  They only show up during Java file
>>>> creation, although it's hard to tell with parallel building turned on
>>>> exactly which files are spawning the errors.
>>>> Sometimes, there are also single errors showing up as well:
>>>> 3>vtkDataArray.cxx
>>>> 3>h:\src\vtk-git\common\vtkDataArrayTemplate.h(329) : error C4430:
>>>> missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
>>>> I don't think that that has anything to do with java wrappings.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mark
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