[vtkusers] How to use backface culling with polylines

Donny donnyz at charter.net
Sat Nov 20 12:06:51 EST 2010

Ok, I am close. The plane is acting just opposite of what I want though. The
higher up on the horizon I go the less of the horizon I see, and the lower
on the horizon I go the more I see (including past the horizon).

Here is the code:

	double dx = earthcenter[0] - camerapos [0];
        double dy = earthcenter[1] - camerapos [1];
        double dz = earthcenter[2] - camerapos [2];        

        double distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);

        double nx = -(dx/distance);
        double ny = -(dy/distance);
        double nz = -(dz/distance);        
        double altitude = distance - vtkGeoMath::EarthRadiusMeters();
        double clipdist = vtkGeoMath::EarthRadiusMeters() - altitude;
        double pox = earthcenter[0]+(clipdist*nx);
        double poy = earthcenter[0]+(altitude*ny);
        double poz = earthcenter[0]+(altitude*nz);


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Peterson [mailto:jimcp at cox.net] 
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 10:52 AM
To: Donny
Cc: 'David Gobbi'; 'Aashish Chaudhary'; 'Sebastien Jourdain';
vtkusers at vtk.org
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] How to use backface culling with polylines

assuming all your coordinates are in meters,
What I was trying to say was project the altitude of the camera into the 
earth sphere to locate the clipping plane.
so with the normal calculation you have :

altitude = distance - vtkGeoMath::EarthRadiusMeters();
clipdist = vtkGeoEarth::EarthRadiusMeters() - altitude;
pox = earthcenter[0]+(clipdist*nx);
poy = earthcenter[0]+(altitude*ny);
poz = earthcenter[0]+(altitude*nz);

Untested of course....


Donny wrote:
> Does this look correct to calculate the horizon clipping plane?
> 	  double dx = earthcenter[0] - camerapos[0];
>         double dy = earthcenter[1] - camerapos[1];
>         double dz = earthcenter[2] - camerapos[2];        
>         double distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
>         double nx = -(dx/distance);
>         double ny = -(dy/distance);
>         double nz = -(dz/distance);
>         //(2 (abs(camera position - globeposition) minus globe radius))
>         double pox = 2.0 * (abs(camerapos [0] - earthcenter [0]) -
> vtkGeoMath::EarthRadiusMeters());
>         double poy = 2.0 * (abs(camerapos [1] - earthcenter [1]) -
> vtkGeoMath::EarthRadiusMeters());
>         double poz = 2.0 * (abs(camerapos [2] - earthcenter [2]) -
> vtkGeoMath::EarthRadiusMeters());
>         m_horizonplane->SetOrigin(pox,poy,poz);
>         m_horizonplane->SetNormal(nx,ny,nz);
> I am not getting the results I expected (the clipping plane is way off).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Peterson [mailto:jimcp at cox.net] 
> Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2010 9:03 AM
> To: Donny
> Cc: 'David Gobbi'; 'Aashish Chaudhary'; vtkusers at vtk.org
> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] How to use backface culling with polylines
> Donny,
> I haven't really tried to get this thought into code, but in a soid 
> geometry kind of sense, the horizon from a point of view is generally 
> described by a clip somewhere between the observer and the center of the 
> sphere, depending on the altitude. the direction of view should not be a 
> factor, and how close the clip plane is to the center of the globe 
> depends on the altitude. if the observer is at a height of 100' the 
> horizon (Excluding other terrain elevation) is 12.25 miles along the 
> surface of the sphere. the clip throught the center of the sphere would 
> make the horizon at about 6000 miles.
> I would expect the clip normal to be the normalized difference between 
> the camera position and the globe position, and the approximate clip 
> plane position to be the point that is (2 (abs(camera position - globe 
> position) minus globe radius)) from the camera toward the globe position.
> If the globe happens to be at 0,0,0 that would simplify the calculation 
> to just the globe radius and the camera position, but Copernicus changed 
> all that....
> I haven't really studied the GEOVIS classes, but I would have thought 
> visible horizon clipping would be one of the tools. Maybe this should 
> evolve into a contribution.
> Sounds like an interesting project.
> Jim
> Donny wrote:
>> Hello again. I decided to try David's approach with clipping planes.
> Mainly
>> because I will have quite a few lines when including the county lines in
>> addition to the state lines and I did not want to create that many
>> triangles. I was afraid it would slow down the performance.
>> I have centered the clipping plane at the center of the earth and the
> normal
>> is always the view normal. This works great when the focus point is on
>> surface of the earth and I rotate around it. The problem occurs when I
> pan.
>> This moves the camera focal point and when it is no longer on the surface
> of
>> the earth the clipping plane will show some details on the other side of
> the
>> horizon. How can I force a pan operation to pan the focal point on the
>> surface of the earth? 
>> Here is the pan code, I am using .NET delegates because of the static
>> function pointer limitation for AddObserver:
>> void OnVtkMiddleMouseDown(unsigned long eventId, System::Object^
> clientData)
>> 	{               
>> 		this->m_interactorstyle->StartPan();
>> 	}
>> void OnVtkMiddleMouseUp(unsigned long eventId, System::Object^
>> 	{               
>>       	this->m_interactorstyle->EndPan();
>>     	}
>> void OnVtkMouseMove(unsigned long eventId, System::Object^ clientData)
>>    	{               
>>          	switch (this->m_interactorstyle->GetState())
>>          		{
>>      				case 1:  //VTKIS_ROTATE
>>       				this->Rotate();
>>     					break;
>>    				case 2:  //VTKIS_PAN
>>     					this->Pan();
>>    					break;
>>  				case 4:  //VTKIS_DOLLY
>>    					this->Dolly();
>>    					break;                            
>>        		}
>> 	}
>> void Pan()
>>     	{
>>               // Get the vector of motion			
>>               double focalPoint[3];
>>               double v[3];
>>               double p1[4];
>>               double p2[4];
>>               double* pos = m_camera->GetPosition();
>>               double* fp = m_camera->GetFocalPoint();
>> vtkInteractorStyleUser::ComputeWorldToDisplay(m_backgroundrenderer,
>> fp[0], fp[1], fp[2], focalPoint);
>> vtkInteractorStyleUser::ComputeDisplayToWorld(m_backgroundrenderer,
>> m_iren->GetEventPosition()[0], m_iren->GetEventPosition()[1],
>> focalPoint[2],  p1);
>> vtkInteractorStyleUser::ComputeDisplayToWorld(m_backgroundrenderer,
>> m_iren->GetLastEventPosition()[0], m_iren->GetLastEventPosition()[1],
>> focalPoint[2], p2);
>>               double npos[3];
>>               double nfp[3];
>>               for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
>>                 {
>>                 v[i] = p2[i] - p1[i];
>>                 npos[i] = pos[i] + v[i];
>>                 nfp[i] = fp[i] + v[i];
>>                 }			
>>               m_camera->SetPosition(npos);
>>               m_camera->SetFocalPoint(nfp);
>>               this->m_iren->Render();
>>    }
>> Thanks.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Gobbi [mailto:david.gobbi at gmail.com] 
>> Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2010 9:07 PM
>> To: Donny
>> Cc: vtkusers at vtk.org
>> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] How to use backface culling with polylines
>> You could also add a clipping plane to your vtk mapper that cuts the
>> globe in half, back to front.  By adding this plane only to the mapper
>> that renders the lines, you can remove any lines that are past the
>> horizon.
>>   David
>> On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 7:13 PM, Jim Peterson <jimcp at cox.net> wrote:
>>> Donny,
>>> I think I would run the state lines through a ribbon filter making them
>> into
>>> a triangle strip of some width. the strip would have a backface.
>>> Jim
>>> Donny wrote:
>>>> Thanks guys for the feedback. I have attached two images to visualize
>> what
>>>> follows. I hope I can explain this clearly.
>>>> I have three renderers that I am adding to the render window.
>>>> The first is to contain a textured vtkGlobeSource actor and is called
> the
>>>> background renderer.
>>>> The second contains several vtkPolyData actors and are lines (State and
>>>> county boundaries, roads, rivers
), this is called the map renderer.
>>>> The Third contains an actor visualizing a weather radar volume, this is
>>>> called the radar renderer.
>>>> The background renderer is always set as layer 0 and so is always
>> rendered
>>>> first.
>>>> The map renderer and radar renderer will alternate between the 1^st and
>>>> 2^nd layers depending on the view angle of the camera.
>>>> If the camera is more than 45 degrees above the horizon then the radar
>>>> renderer is layer 1 and the map renderer is layer 2 so that the user
>> see
>>>> the features below the radar volume.
>>>> If the camera is less than or equal to 45 degrees above the horizon
>>>> the map renderer is layer 1 and the radar renderer is layer 2 so that
> the
>>>> radar volume is always in front of the map features.
>>>> This works fine until I draw all state lines for the entire US. Because
>>>> the vtkGlobeSource simulates the curvature of the earth I see the
>> backside
>>>> of the state lines where they are over the view horizon.
>>>> Is there a way I can put the map features and radar volume on the same
>>>> renderer and accomplish the same thing?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> *From:* Aashish Chaudhary [mailto:aashish.chaudhary at kitware.com]
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, November 18, 2010 8:37 AM
>>>> *To:* David Gobbi
>>>> *Cc:* vtkusers at vtk.org; Donny
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [vtkusers] How to use backface culling with polylines
>>>> Donny,
>>>> Were you talking about hidden lines removal may be?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 9:03 AM, David Gobbi <david.gobbi at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:david.gobbi at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Jerome is correct, OpenGL culls faces according to the polygon
>>>> winding. So wireframe polygons can be culled, but polylines cannot,
>>>> even if they have normals assigned to them. There are some details in
>>>> the OpenGL FAQ:
>>>> http://www.opengl.org/resources/faq/technical/clipping.htm
>>>> David
>>>> On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Jérôme <jerome.velut at gmail.com
>>>> <mailto:jerome.velut at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Donny,
>>>>> My feeling is that backface culling should not work with polylines
>>>>> because they
>>>>> have actually no face.
>>>>> Jerome
>>>>> 2010/11/18 Donny <donnyz at charter.net <mailto:donnyz at charter.net>>:
>>>>>> I am drawing polylines using vtkPolyData and cannot get backface
>>>>>> culling to
>>>>>> work with them.
>>>>>> I ran into this subject
>>>>>> http://public.kitware.com/pipermail/vtkusers/2003-January/065023.html
>> ,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> did not help.
>>>>>> Any solutions?
>>>>>> Donny Zimmerman
>>>>>> donnyz at charter.net <mailto:donnyz at charter.net>
>>>>>> 308-227-1756
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>>>> | Aashish Chaudhary
>>>> | R&D Engineer
>>>> | Kitware Inc.
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