[vtkusers] a exception from vtkImageData - out side of array (max = 3611999999

ququ chen chenququ at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 11:56:35 EST 2010

    When i use vtkImageMarchingCubes to create 3d image, if I have more than
300 slices, a exception will be thrown from vtkImageData. Say Coordinate
("0, 0, 255") out side of array (max = 3611999999).
    Anybody has idea to solve it? I couldn't find where defined the size of
this array also.

// This Method returns a pointer to a location in the vtkImageData.
// Coordinates are in pixel units and are relative to the whole
// image origin.
void *vtkImageData::GetArrayPointer(vtkDataArray* array, int coordinate[3])
  vtkIdType incs[3];
  vtkIdType idx;

  if (array == NULL)
    return NULL;

  const int* extent = this->Extent;
  // error checking: since most acceses will be from pointer arithmetic.
  // this should not waste much time.
  for (idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx)
    if (coordinate[idx] < extent[idx*2] ||
        coordinate[idx] > extent[idx*2+1])
      vtkErrorMacro(<< "GetPointer: Pixel (" << coordinate[0] << ", "
        << coordinate[1] << ", "
        << coordinate[2] << ") not in current extent: ("
        << extent[0] << ", " << extent[1] << ", "
        << extent[2] << ", " << extent[3] << ", "
        << extent[4] << ", " << extent[5] << ")");
      return NULL;

  // compute the index of the vector.
  this->GetArrayIncrements(array, incs);
  idx = ((coordinate[0] - extent[0]) * incs[0]
         + (coordinate[1] - extent[2]) * incs[1]
         + (coordinate[2] - extent[4]) * incs[2]);
  // I could check to see if the array has the correct number
  // of tuples for the extent, but that would be an extra multiply.
  if (idx < 0 || idx > array->GetMaxId())
    vtkErrorMacro("Coordinate (" << coordinate[0] << ", " << coordinate[1]
                  << ", " << coordinate[2] << ") out side of array (max = "
                  << array->GetMaxId());
    return NULL;

  return array->GetVoidPointer(idx);

Thanks a lot.
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