[vtkusers] Trying to make an image Full window expanded

Raúl Ferriz raul at torresyvalero.com
Thu May 27 13:55:45 EDT 2010


I have 3 vtkImageViewer2 and trying to display a 2D slice of every plane 
on a vtkImageViewer2. I tried with SetSliceOrientation??(). But this 
don't work for me because this function changes the camera, and I don't 
want that camera is touched never, because I want slice is shown 
maximized on renderwindow (showed as BackgroundImage like wiki example).
I'm trying now with vtkImageReslice, and I have just got it, the only 
'but' I have now is that slice is fully maximized, mantaining aspect 
ratio, but little edge is fully maximized and larger edge is drawed 
partly out of renderwindow (croped).

So by now I have partially founded a way to solve my problem :D only 
need to found how correctly configure camera to not crop out larger edge.

Many thanks for your interest, really!

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