[vtkusers] SelectEnclosedMesh with VTK possible?

Roman Grothausmann roman.grothausmann at helmholtz-berlin.de
Mon May 17 10:37:21 EDT 2010

Bill Lorensen wrote:
> If you have a point that lies inside the mesh that you want, then you
> could modify this example:
> http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/PolyData/ExtractOutsideSurface
> and start the ray at that point and shoot it out.
Thanks Bill for Your answer.

Looking at the example, I think that wouldn't work since the example 
extracts the resulting mesh via the vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter.
However in our problem it is just one mesh of a fully connected object.
We would need a method to substract or delete the EnclosedPoints from 
the single mesh they come from.
Is there a way to delete Vertices and their linked faces from a PolyData 
with vtk?
Perhaps then it would be possible to use the code from 
SelectEnclosedPoints and modify it to not make a copy of each enclosed 
vertex but delete it in the mesh as soon as it is found to lie inside.

Or would there be an easier way to achieve this?

Many thanks for any help or hints

> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Roman Grothausmann
> <roman.grothausmann at helmholtz-berlin.de> wrote:
>> Dear mailing list members,
>> We are looking for a way to get the part of a polydata mesh that resides
>> within another (closed) polydata mesh (or the outside part).
>> Is there some kind of SelectEnclosedMesh filter in VTK?
>> If not, how can we delete the part of the polydata mesh with the array
>> result from SelectEnclosedPoints? (Eg. deleting all Verts and connected
>> Faces for the points lying outside)
>> Any help or hints on this are very much appreciated
>> Roman

Roman Grothausmann

Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
Bereich Funktionale Materialien
Institut für angewandte Materialforschung
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