[vtkusers] vtkTransformPolydataFilter ... how to get the transformed results

Giancarlo Amati ilferraresebono at hotmail.it
Thu Mar 11 07:09:33 EST 2010

Hello everybody,

I have a vtkLineSource object L1. I apply a transformation with the vtkTransformPolyDataFilter tpd.

so... as L1 is defined by 2 points, I have a transform TT which defines the TransformPolyDataFilter.
So I need to retrieve those 2 points but after the transform, so I call:

vtkSmartPointer<vtkLineSource> tmplineDir = vtkLineSource::SafeDownCast(tpd->GetOutput());

but the pointer it returns is NULL, causing of course a crash of the software.
what am I missing? :)

Many thanks.

Più spazio per le tue esigenze. Hotmail va oltre i 5GB
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